Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Handbook travelling - Part 2: Carrying equipments

The list shows the items to suggest for you to choose only, we can not afford to carry all of these (except you travel by vehicle). When selecting, you must according to the needs, objectives, tasks, terrain, climate ... to select the appropriate and needed items to carry. Some things are little difficult to find on the market, often just to equipped for peoples with special work.


- Backpack
- Books, writing paper, itinerary ...
- The map and compass
- GPS Devices
- Watches
- Binoculars
- Camera
- Radio
- Mobile (if the coverage area)
- Flashlight & batteries & backup lights
- Hurricane lamps, candles
- Hunting Knife (or forest knife, living knife ...)
- Pocket Knife (AIO)
- Axes, cleaning, hoes, shovels, saws ...
- Full size rope
- Anti-mosquito topical
- Anti-mosquito incense
- Small water Purifier (mini filter)
- Documentation, manuals (manual)


Depending on weather, climate, time of operation ... to carry activity clothes and to back up.
- Lightly living clothing & hats
- Clothing against the cold & feather hat
- raincoat or poncho
- bed clothes
- Underwear
- Bathing clothes
- Coats
- Shoes
- Slipper
- Gloves


- Hand towels, bath towels
- Cream & toothbrush
- Laundry Soap & Cleaning brush
- Bathing Soap
- Shaving
- Mirrors, combs
- Sunglasses
- Toilet paper
- Sewing box ( contain needles, threads, buttons, scissors, razor ...)


- Pot, pan
- Knife, cutting board
- Opener
- Christ, cups, plates, cups
- Spoon, chopstick
- Water bottles, tumbler
- Water buckets, water containers
- Basket
- Lighter
- Small gas stove, oil furnace or reserve oil & gas


- Rice sticky rice corn beans powder ...
- Spices (salt pepper sugar monosodium glutamate, onion, garlic, oil ...)
- Beverages (tea, coffee powdered fruit ...)
- Fresh food (meat fish eggs vegetables fruits ...)
- Dry foods (dried shrimp, dried fish bread sausage ...)
- Canned Food


- Tents, awnings, poncho (waterproofing sheet) ...
- Pile, string, sticks, batons ...
- Pads
- Rash
- Sleeping bag, mattress
- Blankets, hooded


- Radio
- Light Artillery
- Smoke Artillery
- Reflective glass
- panels, fabric, color flag ...
- Whistle
- Beacons


- helmet
- rock hammer
- hammer holster
- pitons
- chocks & nuts
- carabiners / snaplink
- Kletterschuhe/mountaineering shoes
- swami belt
- rope


- Aspirin, vitamins
- lighter or waterproof matches
- bandage
- tweezers, knife, razor
- Small Flashlight (mini)
- mirror or shiny metal pieces
- fishing line, full-sized hook
- wire saw
- water purification tablets
- Soups pill- salt and pepper or chili salt
- Emergency Whistle
- small compass(Mini)


- 1 bottle of Betadi (polyvidone iodee)
- 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide
- 1 bottle of mercurochrome
- 1 bottle of alcohol
- 1 bottle of medicate oil
- 1 bottle Amoniaque
- Sulfamid or Penicilline flour
- Drag, clamps, pliers ...
- syringes & injection needles
- relieve pain, anti-fever (Panadol, Cetamol, Aspirin...)
- Drug stomachache, diarrhea (Ganidan, Parregorique...)
- Anti-malaria (Chloroquine, Fansidar ...)
- Antibiotics (Ampicilline, Tetracyline ...)
- Bags cure snakebite (Snake Bite Kit)
- Bandages
- waterproof cotton wool, compresse

First aid kit should be treated with care, hang up. The drugs must be labeled, stating the name, the value,how to use ... and must be supplemented enough early after each use.
About SURVIVAL KIT, you should not bring out to use routinely (except reluctantly), to avoid wastage and losses. Because if not, when you really need is not there or not enough.

Part 1 of handbook here:


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