Monday, March 7, 2011

Funny: 20 Annoying Things to do with Travel

1. The sound your wheely suitcase makes when it goes over bumpy surfaces. Why is it there always has to be corrugated steel surfaces in train stations? And the streets abroad are always cobbled…people can hear you’re a tourist before they’ve seen you.
2. Every day seems to be a special day in the Twitter travel world, Travel Tuesday, Follow Friday…what next, Wanderlust Wednesday and Sunny Holiday Sunday?

3. That moment when you get down to reception with all your bags to check out of the hostel, and realise you forgot to bring the sheets and bedding down. It’s three flights of stairs to go back up again.

4. Going through security at airports, you go bright red and feel racked with guilt even though you’ve done nothing wrong.

5. Having to hold your breath when you put your suitcase on the scales at check-in when you know it’s overweight.

6. Always having to see a picture of the food before you eat it.

7. The part where you have to get changed in your dorm room without anyone seeing your private bits…somehow you end up like a contortionist trying to get your bra off under your clothes.

8. Somehow one flip flop is always missing.

9. The person in the queue at the train station enquiring about something completely unimportant when you need to buy a ticket before you miss your train.

10. The person in your hostel dorm who unzips and zips their bag 500 times before going to take sunrise photos at 5am.

11. The overuse of the sharpen tool in travel photography. Can we go back to photos that remotely resemble the actual thing in real life rather than an illustration?

12. People who post status updates on Facebook about how they wish they were still in X location every day for a year after they left!

13. Logging into Twitter to see the same travel quotes “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” Can we invent our own quotes now?

14. Having to drag your wheely suitcase over kerbs on roads- it almost always flips over requiring you to stop and flip it the right way.

15. Having your card declined at the ATM because of suspicious activity, even though you’ve already called before with the same problem and told them you’re abroad. Since you can’t withdraw cash, you can’t top up your phone, which means you can’t call the bank. Eek.

16. Having to use your beach towel as your shower towel. Result- sand in places it shouldn’t be even after you’ve showered.

17. The moment you realise you left the alcohol at your last hostel.

18. Finding Wi-Fi Access, but not a power socket.

19. Thinking you can stay out drinking all night before you’re bus/flight/train in the morning and thinking you would actually manage to catch it.

20. The microphone never works properly on the tour bus, resulting deafening screeches the entire journey.

- By Victoria from PommieTravels


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