Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Backpacking Travel Tips 2

The last post that I wrote about tips for Backpacking Travel mentioned about 4 NO that you should remember. I will reminds it again for you the 4 NOs: NO TOUR - NO GUIDER - NO BUS - NO HOTEL. I also talk a little bit about the notice of baggage for backpacking traveling.

>> Back to: Backpacking Travel Tips 1Travel Tips. What you need to think about? What you need to bring along with the trip? And what you need to avoid ?

As you may know, one of the types of travel which is considering cheapest one is BACKPACKING. However, if you want go on a backpacking travel and archiving more knowledge of the local culture, you have to prepare very very carefully!

Here are some tips that might be useful for your backpacking traveling:

- First of all, find in detail all the information about geography and time for moving between your location and the areas that you trip will be taken in. In order to make the plan, schedule, means of transportation, and the budget, there are many sources on the internet such as airlines' website or traveling forum and you can take them as the references. Or you can look back at some of the article that I have written below:

or some travel forum such as: Travelspoint or Travelblog (just type the keyword in Google Searching Engine)

- Baggage: Preparing baggage depends on which seasons and places you choose to go; however, there are things that you should not forget to put into your baggage such as: guide book, sleep-bag. The medicines for stomachache, headache, flu, cough, sneeze are also important. The cream like sunlight cream for face or body, cream for avoiding insects, and eyewash should also be at your baggage. Take notice that you had better wear sport-shoe, rain-coat, shawl, and water-proof bag with place for water bottle.

- For the important things, you should write clearly your name, address, telephone number in case somebody will send them back to you if you lose those things.

- Finally, in some countries which have century-old cultures and specific local aspects like Cambodia, India, Egypt, Japan, etc, when you plan to go to those country, you should look for and buy a local tour. Although it against the 4 NO I suggested above, but in these countries, buying a tour is the best way and help you to travel on a budget. This way help you save:

  • Money: because if you do a backpacking travel here, it will definitely more expensive than go on a tour (just try to do backpacking if you think it is not true)
  • Time: for sure, you will meet difficulty in finding transportation and proper accommodation with low price. 
  • Security
  • Culture understanding: although a guidebook provides quite sufficient information but it is still the one-sided and subjective opinion of the author. Moreover, it may be difficult for you to understand the culture due to the culture differences between your country and these countries
- Lee - 


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